Bolivian piece is among the best in the world requiems: Pablo Mendieta

I welcome Pablo Mendieta to The Hall of Bolivian Fame!! Margarita Palacios reports for Pagina Siete:


Bolivian piece is among the best in the world requiems

2014-04-27 08.18.13 amThe piece was created in tribute to journalist Daniel Pearl, who died in 2012 for the terrorist attacks by fundamentalists of Al Qaeda.

“It is an honor for me that one of my compositions have been selected in the list of world’s leading requiems. It is a Latin work that has been made in Bolivia and by a Bolivian.”

Thus, the Potosi composer Paul Mendieta Paz, celebrates his Requiem Brevis musical work that has been included in the list of top requiems (pieces of music dedicated to the dead) in the world.

The work was selected this year by website, along with two compositions from Latin America, the Mexican composer Luis García and Salvadoran Esteban Servellón.

A few weeks ago, the organizers of the page, who are renowned musicians, contacted the artist to tell him that they selected his piece.

2014-04-27 09.03.19 amMendieta said that the organizers of the portal selected his work when they heard at a concert in the Church of the Exaltation in Obrajes on November 6, 2013.

“The organizers are outstanding musicians. They performed a tour of Latin America and attended my presentation by chance. So much they liked and selected it,” said the artist.

Mendieta is director, composer and singer. He was a student of the French master Alain Charron. He studied at the Paris Conservatoire. He returned to Bolivia and worked with the Bolivian composer Gustavo Navarre.

In 1985, he won the Latin American festival of French music with a representative from Chile. Also studied law and wrote the story The Dark Night and Other Stories published by Plural Publishing.

According to the composer, the track Requiem Brevis is a milestone in Bolivia because it is one of the first that was created in Latin in the country.

Mendieta was encouraged to compose a requiem when his father died. “I decided to compose this musical piece to pay him tribute,” he said.

Then the composer was invited to create another piece in homage to Israeli-American journalist Daniel Pearl, who died in February 2012 by the terrorist attacks of Al Qaeda.

The general explained that potosino requiems last an hour and a half as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi and Louis Hector Berlioz, among others.

The work of the potosino composer takes 40 minutes, for this reason it was called Requim Brevis.

The composition is sung by a mixed choir made up the choir of the Philharmonic Society of La Paz, directed by Maestro Ricardo Estrada, and coral Vox Corde, Mendieta.

The piece is also accompanied by a string quartet, organ, soloists, soprano and baritone.

For next year, Mendieta enlists the disc recording of the Requiem Brevis. After completing the production, will present a concert piece.

2014-04-27 09.03.59 amTo listen to this wonderful music, use this link.

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